Vegetable Oil Production

After our Uzunköprü crude oil facility was established as a Uz Yem Fabrikası (Uz Feed Factory )in the Uzunköprü district of Edirne in 1974 by a private enterprise, it was transferred to the Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri and a crude oil facility was added to its structure in 2000. In 2008, it was merged with Kırklareli facilities. Our Uzunköprü crude oil production facility has the capacity to process 250 tons of sunflower seeds per day and 75,000 tons of oil per year with its high product quality.

Our Kırklareli refining and filling facility was established as a feed factory by the State Feed Industry in Kavaklı town of Kırklareli and was acquired by the Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri from the State Feed Industry in 1995. It continued its activities as a feed factory until 2008 and merged with our Uzunköprü facility in 2008. In 2013, a refinery facility with a capacity of 120 tons/day was added to its structure. Our Kırklareli refined oil production facility has an annual production of 36.000 tons of refined sunflower oil and a filling capacity of 42.500 tons with high product quality.

Olive – Olive Oil Production

Our olive-olive oil production facility; It was established in 2000 in Gömeç district of Balıkesir, on an open area of 12.000 square meters and a closed area of 300 square meters.

Capacity increase investment was made in 2017 and our total closed area reached 6,257 square meters. Our daily olive squeezing capacity has been increased to 20,000 tons/year. The packaging capacity has reached 10,250 tons/year. With the investments in our table olive department, our production capacity increased to 1,500 tons/year of black table olive brine and 800 tons/year of green pickled olive capacity in the same year, and with the modernization of the additional packaging facility, a packaging capacity of 5,700 tons/year of black and green olives was reached.

In 2021, table olive production capacity was increased with 7,000 square meters of open and 4,700 square meters of closed area, and a wholesale production capacity of 12,000 tons was achieved with our external production points in 2022.

While our olive and olive oil facility continues its production, it has switched to two-phase pressing systems instead of three-phase pressing systems due to its environmentally friendly approach. The second extraction squeezing machine was purchased and the production of dry beans used as fuel was started.

With the new investments to be made within the scope of Tarım Kredi Oil Ind. Corp. growth targets, it continues to work with all its strength to support our farmers by supplying more agricultural products from more farmers and to deliver these products to the consumers as high quality products.

One of the most assertive subsidiaries of the Tarım Kredi Group, which is one of the guarantees of Turkey's food supply security, to reduce the import of agricultural products and to enable the farmer partners all over our country to continue their agricultural activities and increase their income is Tarım Kredi Oil Industry and Tarım Kredi Commercial Inc.

Tarım Kredi Yağ changed its former title to Tarım Kredi Union Inc. in November 2022. It has separated from the branch structure of Tarım Kredi Supply and Production Inc. and continues its activities within its own structure.

With a deep-rooted history in the production of sunflower oil, olive oil and table olives, Tarım Kredi Yağ, while regulating the market by buying the best raw material from the producer at the most affordable price, processes this raw material and outsources production both in its own facilities and in the facilities of leading solution partners in their sectors, offers its products to our consumers without intermediaries, at the most affordable price of the market and with high quality product features on the shelves of the Kooperatif Market.

Tarım Kredi Yağ, a subsidiary of Tarım Kredi Holding, has two main fields of activity: vegetable oil production and olive-olive oil production.

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