Quality, Environment, Food Safety, OHS and Energy Policy

Our company has adopted the principle of producing reliable products in healthy and hygienic environments, in accordance with the laws and standards, paying utmost attention to healthy nutrition rules, by increasing the satisfaction of its customers and employees.

As Tarım Kredi Yağ Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.; To comply with all legal and regulatory requirements and integrated management system standard requirements that must be complied with in the field of quality, food safety, information security, energy, environment and occupational safety and to continuously improve its effectiveness by making the necessary technological investments at all stages from seed to production until it reaches the end consumer;

To ensure continuous customer satisfaction by applying the principles of customer-oriented service and perfectionism, delivering orders on time,

To provide quality, healthy and delicious products in hygienic environments in production stages and sales of products, to produce in this direction, to ensure quality and food safety,

To keep the product quality at the highest level and to offer it in the most economical way in accordance with its quality,

To produce healthy products as a requirement of our social responsibility, to increase employee satisfaction and to share the added value we create with the society,

To continuously improve our quality values by ensuring food safety and to comply with the relevant legal regulations,

To improve the quality and food safety awareness of our employees through continuous training and to make the understanding of quality and food safety management system a philosophy of life,

To comply with the legal requirements, standards and compliance obligations to which we are subject, applicable food legislation and the requirements of the organisations of which we are a member,

To monitor, support and implement technological development within the scope of continuous improvement and efficient-energy use,

To act with the principle of continuous and sustainable development by disposing of our wastes arising from our activities in the most appropriate way and always respecting the environment and human beings without disturbing the environment,

In order to protect the health of employees; to prevent the formation of dangerous environments that may cause accidents by organising physical, environmental and other factors to create a safe and healthy work environment, evaluating risks and opportunities, eliminating existing hazards and taking measures,

To encourage the active participation of all employees in the process related to Occupational Health and Safety and to ensure the effective participation of employee representatives,

To follow up the results of projects and applications that will reduce energy consumption,

To contribute to continuous development by establishing energy goals and objectives and providing the necessary resources in order to ensure more efficient use of energy, to provide accessibility to this information, to provide the necessary resources and support, to review,

To increase the energy responsibility awareness of all our employees at all levels on energy efficiency/saving

To comply with all legal and regulatory requirements and integrated management system standard requirements in the field of quality, food safety, information security, energy, environment and occupational safety and to continuously improve its effectiveness,

Quality, environment, food safety, isg and energy are our policy.


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